Thursday, December 10, 2009

Think Before You Act

This week I read Which Campaign is More Effective by Karl Fisch. The first campaign was LG’s Give It a Ponder Campaign which stars an actor named James Lipton. It was about how this kid was texting or “sexting” his girlfriend. Then he was going to send picture of his “junk” to her. Then he remembered that she was a twitter addicted and stopped talking to her because he didn’t want her to “tweet about his Petes”. So he stopped talking to her. I liked this one because even though the commercial is funny it is actually and a good reason not to send girls pictures of you “junk”. I think it was cool how they took a serious topic but made it funny a relatable. I know people that have got in to a lot of trouble for that and I think it is a big problem these days.
The second campaign was MTV’s a thin line campaign which is very different than LG’s one. This campaign is a lot more serious. It is kind of about those meth commercials but talking about a not as known topic. It starts out showing a kid getting a bunch of tattoos of things that people have said to him like loner, loser, freak, moron, faggot, nobody likes you. Most off his body is filled up with these words. Then he gets a text and tells the lady that he has another one and, it looks like its going to be worthless, and then says there might be room on his back. Its main slogan is that there is a thin line between words and wounds.
Most people say sticks and stone may break my bones but words can never hurt me. That is so far from the truth though. It seems like every day you hear about a kid committing suicide for being made fun of. It’s crazy how people don’t even think about what the people are going to do when you say something like “faggot” to someone. Some of the words I hear come out kids’ mouths these days are so horrible. Most the word that kids say they don’t even know what it really means. Both of the topics truly need to be talked about in schools today. I think they should start it in elementary, well I mean the kind of talk about but they don’t talk about the consequences. I hope the next time you or someone you with falls on either side of these situations thing before you act.