Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Some Teachers Would Do

I read Who Ya Gonna Call by Karl Fisch. Carolyn Orf is one of the Business teachers at the school he teaches at. Her students are learning about entrepreneurship and starting a business. Orf wanted an entrepreneur speak to her students about their experiences. Then she remembered that she went to college with a guy that had gone on to start a couple of companies. She saw him at a wedding about three years back but other than that she really hadn’t kept in touch with him. She ended up finding him on Facebook. She asked if he’d be interested in Skyping in to share his experiences and do a question and answer session with her students. He said yes, and so they will be Skyping during her 5th period class on October 6th, from 12:14 – 1:12 pm. His name is Jason Shellon. He’s the CEO of Things Lab. He was an employee of Pyra Labs and worked on Blogger. I really think it is cool how our technology today lets us do things like Skype and still talk and see each other. I think it connects to me because it’s happening at my school. I thought it was great to see him take up his time in his busy like to do the discussion. I have to ask my self if I would do the same thing. It’s great to see teacher who love their job as much as her. A lot of teachers don’t care about their students enough to put that all together. So many kids now a days don’t see what their teachers really do or don’t do. I just want to end on this, thank you to all the teachers out there and for all the things you would do for your students. So the next time you hear someone says the kids are the future you know inside without you the past, present, and future would not be what they are. So truly this is a thank you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Did Kanye go to far?

I read an article called Kanye West calls Swift with 'sincere apology' . Okay so everybody knows what it feels like to be put down. But not the way Kanye West did to Taylor Swift. Here’s a quick recap for what happened. Kanye West stormed the stage just after the first award, for Best Female Video, it was presented to Taylor Swift. He cut Taylor Swift off, grabbing the mic and protesting in support of BeyoncĂ©. Then he said, “I'm sorry, but BeyoncĂ© had one of the best videos of all time," then he gave back the mic and walked off the stage. Well, my feelings on the matter are that Kanye shouldn't have gotten on the stage. Really Kanye, really who in their right mind takes away the microphone from someone who just one an award and says by the way your opponent should of won. That’s like a kick to the family jewels if you know what I mean. It was a pretty harsh thing to do for Swift and West. I hurt swift’s pride but now everyone pretty much hates west. This topic actually does hit home to me because I know how it feels to be put down. Also, I’m not going to lie I’ve put someone down before to. I have to say neither feels good. I have to give west some slack though because he did apologize on Jay Leno also he called her up and apologized. it wasn't the most sincere apology but at least he gave one. even though the only reason he apologized is because if he didn't he would be in even deeper you know what. But I have to leave you with this. Did Kanye go too far this time? And if so, can he recover?

We're in a Media Revolution

Hello everyone this week I was looking at Mr.Fisch’s Fischbowl and I found the post called “More Than Passing a Trend”. The post was about this video called social media revolution by Erik Qualman. That title just wanted to make me watch the video so obviously I did. It was kind of was like this video the machines are using us. It pretty much said how we are in a revolution and how its not just a fad its going to keep on growing. This video showed me how people are really getting connected. I really never thought how many people have a facebook our how many videos are on YouTube. It makes me really wonder if we are so connected know what it will turn into in the future. I really can’t even imagine. The thing that was most fascinating me the most though was that if facebook were a country it would be the fourth largest. That’s just amazing that so many people are using the web to talk. I thought that it was mostly the youth that used it but now I realize it is most of the world. There could be some consequences though like getting to reliable on the web. So people would not be able to talk in front of other people. Just must social skills could just go down the drain.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 is what the web has turned in to now. I watched a video by Michael welsh call the machine is us/ing us. It tell how the web has turned into web 2.0. At the beginning i thought it was kinda weird what was happening in the video but as the video went in it kept on getting more interesting. His video really made me think of what the web has turned in to. Like how we can talk to virtually anyone in the online world and really without web 2.0 the world wouldnt be the same. I guess to sum it up this video showed me how everything we can do and how we are building are future into something i cant even imagine.
I read an article the other day and it was called New Literacy Article by Clive Thompson. It was pretty much going against how people think texting an being online make your social skills worse and your writing skills worse also. I'm pretty much all for this article mostly cause i do both . Also because you are writing in front of a audience so it makes you better i think. Plus i think it the new era i you cant stop it.