Thursday, September 17, 2009

We're in a Media Revolution

Hello everyone this week I was looking at Mr.Fisch’s Fischbowl and I found the post called “More Than Passing a Trend”. The post was about this video called social media revolution by Erik Qualman. That title just wanted to make me watch the video so obviously I did. It was kind of was like this video the machines are using us. It pretty much said how we are in a revolution and how its not just a fad its going to keep on growing. This video showed me how people are really getting connected. I really never thought how many people have a facebook our how many videos are on YouTube. It makes me really wonder if we are so connected know what it will turn into in the future. I really can’t even imagine. The thing that was most fascinating me the most though was that if facebook were a country it would be the fourth largest. That’s just amazing that so many people are using the web to talk. I thought that it was mostly the youth that used it but now I realize it is most of the world. There could be some consequences though like getting to reliable on the web. So people would not be able to talk in front of other people. Just must social skills could just go down the drain.

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